
迂回 ~ 祝英台话剧主题曲

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迂迴 《迂迴》盡訴同窗三載的匆匆,在梁山伯和祝英台心靈之間刻下了一段無法帶走的雙碟戀情,在無緣長相廝守的悲痛下,表達了情侶之間若即若離的惆悵徬徨之感,最終因愛而犧牲,刻畫了一段無法磨滅的至死不渝的愛情。

演唱者 锺洁希,李安田
Performed by Jessie Chung, Paul Vision Lee

作曲 李安生
Music by John Zoe Lee

编曲 李安生
Arranged by John Zoe Lee

填词 李安田
Lyrics by Paul Vision Lee

制作 谢哲毅
Produced by Dennis Cheah

录音、混音Recording Mixing:
星音符录音室 Symphony Studio



山的輪廓 薄雲之間
不知是夢 是實還是緣
曾說好的誓言 卻已走到邊緣

伊人背影 在江心邊
曾許下的藍天 為何化作雲煙

盼與你雙飛 在天逢
哪怕厭倦 夢境迂迴
雙翼的憔悴 因你而美
相識相別 雙眼含淚 卻為了誰

茫茫汪洋中 相隨
孤寒蘭舟 緩緩枯萎
再狼狽 為你 也是陶醉
一曲三杯 相擁一回 就此紛飛

春令的月 明卻遠
相逢瞬間 溶寒冰界限
記憶刻畫的傷悲 (難以忘懷的懷念)
如細雨般纏綿 (隨風纏綿)

路徑遙遠 廝守千年
怎能換一聲抱歉 (絕不換一聲 抱歉)
隔著岸面對面 歲月似水流年

盼與你雙飛 在天逢
哪怕厭倦 (再相逢)
夢境迂迴 (那段迂迴)
雙翼的憔悴 (背對背)
因你而美 (形影成對)

相識相別 雙眼含淚 卻為了誰
茫茫汪洋中 相隨
(山海似我 在伴隨)
孤寒蘭舟 緩緩枯萎
(孤單 多無味)
再狼狽 為你 (陪著你)
也是陶醉 (刻印詩碑)
一曲三杯 相擁一回 就此紛飛

盼與你雙飛 在天逢
哪怕厭倦 夢境迂迴
雙翼的憔悴 (陪著你)
因你而美 (刻印詩碑)
一曲三杯 相擁一回 就此紛飛

English Translation

Mountains up high, shrouded in haze
Is this fantasy or our true fate?
Swore to love each other  But we can’t last forever

Memories of you, drift through the lake
With the midnight breeze, it stays
All the vows we once made   Like mist they soon did fade

We’re a pair of wings in the skies
Through the winding dreams I’ll find you 
Delicate’s our wings, yet beautiful
We come and go, so hold the tears and bid adieu 

We’re just lonely boats at sea
Hold me close ‘fore we both vanish
I’d lose everything, you’re worth the pain
Drink to this song, with one last hug, we soon part ways

Bright as the moon, yet so far
Melted my heart last spring when we met
The memories bring the sorrows   Yearning that I’ll ne’er forget
And linger with the rain   like lingering wind

You’ve been with me, year after year 
This apology won’t do
Standing ‘cross the river
Watching the years go by

We’re a pair of wings in the skies
Through the winding dreams   We will meet 
I’ll find you   through winding dreams
Delicate’s our wings    Stay with me
yet beautiful    though star-crossed be

We come and go, so hold the tears and bid adieu 
We’re just lonely boats at sea  
Like the mountain and the sea
Hold me close ‘fore we both vanish   it’s you that I miss
I’d lose everything,    Love will be our monument
you’re worth the pain 
Drink to this song, with one last hug, we soon part ways

We’re a pair of wings in the skies
Through the winding dreams I’ll find you 
Delicate’s our wings, 
Love will be our monument   yet beautiful
Drink to this song, with one last hug, we soon part ways 




